Cosa vorrei adesso di ciò che
davo per scontato?
Cosa invece vorrei restasse
Quali nuove buone abitudini
sto assumendo ora e vorrei non perdere mai?
Di quali meccanismi mi sto
rendendo conto?
Cosa stanno facendo gli altri?
Quali ricchezze sto scoprendo
di possedere?
What am I missing? And what am I not?
What am I caring about? Who am I taking care of?
What are people doing for others and for me?
What new habits am I forming that I would not want to
let go of?
1 commento:
The world had been running for ages now, turning and turning, spinning its somersaults around the sun. It had grown tired. All it desired now was a momentary respite, to pause and collect its thoughts: to watch its fish swim in streams and canals of clear water, to hear the birds chirp in the spring, a sound normally drowned out by the industry that ran amok on its breadth. The world was running faster, just a bit, every year, with each turn it increased its speed as if it could faster approach the finish line; some final rest. As if it just wanted the race against itself to be over with. As if it could outrun itself by holding its own breath.
And then the time came for history to halt, for the movement of progress and time and flux and flow and ecstatic expansive running to simply- stop. For a time. For a time of who knows how long. To contract. To take space, but take up less space. To find more space inside the inner self. To reach out from within the space of inner space. The earth retracted itself into its core. It slowed its roll. It exhaled, of necessity. It remembered how intimacies felt gloriously real, how green leaves seen in the morning sun from a balcony were just enough, were alright. How important it is to reach out to loved ones and to focus all one’s attention on lovingkindness, how in fact, so the earth discovered, things that are worrisome are not as important as they seem. The earth rested, together, with all of its life forms blossoming again. A quiet re-emergence. A silent moment. A collective breathing of spring.
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